You can download & complete this form (.doc) and email it to or complete the Online Form below.DOWNLOAD FORM (.doc)MAKE A REFERRALComplete this form for a Referral.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Referred By:Referring AgencyReferral's PhoneSelect One *Outpatient TherapyClinical AssessmentOtherIf you selected Other, please explain below:Consumer's Name *FirstLastSelect One *Sandhills MedicaidVaya HealthPartners BehavioralCardinal InnovationsOtherSchool/Grade *Gender *MaleFemaleIs there a history of treatment? *NonePsychiatricUnknownSubstance AbuseGuardian's Name *FirstLastGuardian's NameFirstLastIf the consumer does not live with either parent, who is the legally responsible person?Presenting problem or reason for seeking services: *Submit