As an essential healthcare business during this very uncertain time, with COVID-19, we would like to let
you know where we are as an agency. Our number one goal is to continue to provide our clients with
quality services, so we are maintaining business as usual as this time. We are taking all recommended
precautions related to hygiene, office sanitation as well as checking in with clients prior to sessions and
accommodating clients that are not comfortable with us visiting their homes. We are also offering a
variety of modified services to all of our clients. We are working closely with DHHS and our MCO
partners to ensure that our approaches to treatment, in these instances, are supported.
We are striving to continue to provide uninterrupted services and support to the community during
these stressful times. We are continuing to take referrals, and get services started with all of those in
need expeditiously.
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me directly either via email at
admin@peculiarcounseling.com or by phone at 336-285-7616.
We look forward to continuing to work with you and supporting our community around us during this
difficult time.
Thanks so much and stay safe.
Yohmina Kasey, MSW, LCSW
Executive Director
Peculiar Counseling & Consulting, Inc.